| Tara Langdale
Do Silicone Dilators work? Is medical grade plastic better?
Update: We no longer sell Silicone dilators due to our magnetic being far superior.
The answer is: not as good as the magnetic medical grade plastic dilators.
When shopping for the best dilators, it can be hard to choose the right one for your needs. Also, you need to know how to correctly use vaginal dilators. VuVa Vaginal Dilator company, located in Sarasota, FL, has now helped over 125,000 women all over the globe with their dilator needs. Do you need plastic or silicone dilators? What sizes do I need? How do I use them? VuVa can help.
Our Dilators are made with 100% medical grade plastic using FDA approved colors and ingredients. VuVa™ Magnetic Dilators are safe, phthalate free, hypoallergenic and suitable for those with latex allergies. Do not use silicone based lubricants with VuVa™ Magnetic Dilators.
Do I need plastic or silicone dilators?
There are two main types of vaginal dilators, silicone and plastic. We have listed below some information to help you decide on what type of vaginal dilator you need. We actually stopped selling silicone due to our patented magnetic dilators working so much better. The silicone also attracted a lot of dust, which the plastic do not.
VuVa Vaginal Dilators vs. Placebo Dilators: A Double Blind Placebo Study
- Eighty percent (80%) of study subjects reported a decrease in overall pain after using the VuVa™ magnetic vaginal dilators.
- Subjects using the VuVa™ magnetic vaginal dilators experienced an average thirty percent (30%) decrease in pain levels on a standardized tampon test, which is a way to clinically measure pain associated with sexual intercourse.
- The cotton swab test evaluates eleven (11) different locations of the vulvar vestibule for pain. Eighty percent (80%) of the study subjects reported a decrease in the total number of locations after using the VuVa™ magnetic vaginal dilators.
- Subjects using the VuVa™ magnetic vaginal dilators experienced an average twenty eight percent (28%) decrease in pain levels using a standardized cotton swab test, which is a non-invasive measure of vaginal pain.
Overall anxiety associated with vaginal penetration is significantly decreased in all subjects.
Subjects report feeling more confident about their sexual health in the future after completing the study.
Subjects report that VuVa dilator therapy is not a painful treatment.
For Full Study CLICK HERE
How to pick your Vaginal Dilator sizes:
When shopping for dilators, it might be hard to know what size vaginal dilators you need. If you ask your physician or pelvic floor physical therapist, they should be able to tell you what size you need to start your pelvic floor therapy with. Some people do not need the entire set and some people do.
When it comes to our size vaginal dilators, there are seven to choose from. We have one of the smallest vaginal dilators on the market and one of the largest.
The smallest dilator, the Size 1, is comparable to a pencil and the Size 2 is comparable to a women's pinky finger. If you can get a larger tampon applicator in with ease, you may want to start with a Size 3 or 4 dilator if your muscles are very tight, or you have a lot of atrophy pain.
If you are sexually active, you might not need the smaller dilators and starting with the Size 4 or 5 and moving up would be best for your home therapy plan. You can also purchase the size dilator that is comparable in circumference to your partner if you are sexually active.
As dilator therapy can be uncomfortable, you do not want to be in extreme pain when you are dilating. If you are, then you need to move down one dilator size. On a pain scale of 1-10, you do not want to go over a 3-4 pain level when dilating. Now, when you first put the dilator in, it can be very painful, but that pain should subside after a few minutes. You don't want to be in extreme pain the entire time during your dilator therapy.
Vaginal Dilators: Directions & Sizes - How to Use Dilation Products - Vuva Dilator Company
If sexual activity is painful due to a pelvic pain condition or pelvic disorder, use dilators at least 5-7 days per week. Take your time and breath. If you can only do a minute our two, that’s fine. Work your way up slowly. It will help with the fear of penetration and relax muscles. These dilators only make things better. VuVa has changed thousands of lives. We are in this together.
Directions Before Using your VuVa™ Vaginal Dilators
- Wash dilators with a mild, fragrance-free soap and warm water. Let the dilators air dry. Vanicream Bar soap is a good option to clean dilators with.
To Get Started
- In a private and comfortable place, lay on your back and put both knees up with your feet on the bed (no wider than your hips) or lay on your side and pull your legs up with a pillow between your knees.
- Lubricate the smallest VuVa™ Vaginal Dilator and vagina canal opening generously with a lubricant your choice. IMPORTANT: Do not use petroleum jelly (e.g., Vaseline). Slippery Stuff is water based and does not cause irritation. Keep all the dilators within reach.
- Finding the right size VuVa™ Vaginal Dilator can be tricky. If you find that you can only tolerate the tip going inside when using the smallest dilator, that’s ok and is not uncommon. However, if that is the case, it may be best that you start with the exercises (See the instructions below). Please do not force the dilator inside.
- Using gentle pressure, insert the smaller round end of the smallest dilator into your vagina. Make sure that the dilator shaft is inserted as deeply as is comfortable for you. Do not insert entire dilator -- leave the larger, round, flat end outside of vaginal opening.
- If there’s no discomfort (you can put the little one inside, squeeze and let go around it on the inside like you’re holding back gas and pee and take it out without any pain or irritation – not even a little bit), you need to use the next size bigger.
- You’re looking for minimal pain when you put the dilator in the vagina (pain level not more than a 1-2/10, with 0/10 being no pain and 10/10 the worst pain ever) —the type that you might just describe as “annoying” or “uncomfortable.” Moderate pain (pain levels 4-6/10) is too much, and severe pain (pain levels 7-10) should be avoided.
- Once you’ve found the proper size, please use your dilator 5-20 minutes twice/day. When you can actively insert and remove the dilator as well as contract and relax around it with no discomfort, move up to the next size.
IMPORTANT - WOMEN: Do not walk around with dilator inserted. Do not use dilators during sexual intercourse. Do not sleep with dilator inserted.
- Wash the vaginal dilators after use with mild, fragrance-free soap and warm water. Let them air dry.
Use a VuVa™ Vaginal Dilator comparable to your partners size 20 minutes before intercourse to relax tight muscles and bring blood flow to the area. You have now created a relaxed environment for penetration.
Why would I need a Vaginal Dilator?
If you have painful intercourse due to a pelvic pain condition, pelvic floor physical therapy with vaginal dilators is a safe and beneficial home treatment for the following conditions:
- Vulvodynia
- Vulvar Vestibulitis
- Vaginismus
- Dyspareunia
- Pelvic Radiation Therapy
- Menopause
- Vaginal Stenosis
- Vaginal Atrophy
- Pudendal Neuralgia
- Vaginal Agenesis
If you have painful penetration and do not keep relaxing the muscles during intercourse or dilator therapy, the muscles can then become very tense and cause your condition to become worse. You may start to associate penetration with pain. Each time you try to penetrate, your muscles will then tighten up causing more pain. Dilating on your own, in the convenience of your own home, is an effective way to keep muscles working and blood flowing to the area for healing. Dilator therapy also creates blood flow and can help with vaginal dryness by creating natural lubrication.
How much do Dilators Cost?
VuVa Silicone Dilators start at $26. You can buy single dilators or you can buy the full set. Visit our Dilator Store
Other VuVa Helpful Links:
7 Reasons for a Tight Vagina and How to Loosen
How to Relax Vaginal Muscles, Vaginismus & Sex
Vaginal Stretching - Keeping in Shape with Dilators
Do Dilators Really Work? Yes, and They can Improve Your Sex Life!
Shop for VuVa Vaginal Dilators