| Caroline Knight
Can You Use CBD for Vulvodynia?
Who could blame her?
Any woman with vulvodynia wants shot of this awful pain, as soon as possible. Vulvodynia can be incredibly uncomfortable, plus it gets in the way of intimacy with partners, which is frustrating and even depressing. There are various approaches to treating vulvodynia, but no one-size-fits-all treatment. However, CBD (and abbreviation of Cannabidiol), is one of the closest things to a cure-all we know of… but can you use CBD for vulvodynia? Absolutely.
Our ancestors have long been using cannabis to treat pelvic pain, but it is only recently being embraced in modern society. First, let’s take a look at what CBD is: CBD is just one of more than a hundred naturally occurring compounds found in hemp (or marijuana). Hemp is the term generally used to classify varieties of cannabis with 0.3% or less THC content (the compound that gets you stoned), although the difference between cannabis and hemp is more complex than just that.
Don’t worry about getting high while using CBD for vulvodynia; it’s easier to get CBD products with little to no THC content, since those are legal, whereas THC is often not. CBD oil products are made from high-CBD, low-THC hemp.
Why use CBD for vulvodynia?
There are a few reasons for using CBD to treat vulvodynia. Firstly, CBD is famous for its pain relieving qualities, and no area of the body is exempt from that. It is also known to reduce anxiety, which is an issue for many women with vulvodynia. They have negative associations with sexual intercourse because of the pain they feel during penetration.
The benefits don’t end there, either. CBD can relax muscles, which helps vulvodynia because when you anticipate sexual pain, your muscles are likely to contract. This can worsen the pain of vulvodynia, or lead to vaginismus. If you insert a CBD suppository or apply CBD products to the vulva, you may be surprised at just how effective the relaxation and pain relief is.
To summarize, CBD helps with the following vulvodynia symptoms:
- Pain
- Inflammation
- Anxiety
- Tight muscles
The CBD can desensitize the nerves in the genitals, as well as reducing any inflammation present (which can be a side effect of vulvodynia in some women). CBD limits your body’s ability to feel pain signals, but also works on pain by targeting the same enzymes Ibuprofin targets, thus reducing prostaglandin production. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that promote pain, inflammation and fever.
Why else should you use CBD for vulvodynia? It’s an aphrodisiac!
Here’s another major USP for CBD. Cannabinoids actually work as an aphrodisiac for many women, and when applied directly to the vulva, can increase sexual pleasure. That’s because when applied to the skin, phytocannabinoids increase blood flow to the area, which is what happens when you get aroused naturally.
Whether you smoke a bit of cannabis or apply some oil topically, CBD oil or cream is a wonderful addition to your sex life. Note that if you smoke cannabis, you’re going to feel the effects of THC too. However, if you apply a CBD product to your skin, you are unlikely to experience any psychoactive effects.
Can You Use CBD for Vulvodynia? Yes… and Here’s Why it Works
Strains containing a lot of CBD are the best for inflammation reduction, and they won’t get you stoned. Some feel that the best strains for pain relief are those with both CBD and THC content. If you do want a product containing THC (as many with chronic pain do), even one with less than 6% THC content will still help to calm and relax you.
- Indica strains are believed to be physically sedating, perfect for relaxing with a movie or as a nightcap before bed.
- Sativas are said to provide invigorating, uplifting cerebral effects that pair well with physical activity, social gatherings, and creative projects.
- Hybrids are thought to fall somewhere in between, offering a balance of indica and sativa effects.
Vaginal Dilators paired with CBD is a great treatment option. Vuva Vaginal Dilators sets are used to regenerate vaginal capacity, expand the vaginal walls, add elasticity to the tissues, and to allow for comfortable sexual intercourse. VuVa Magnetic Dilators are smooth lightweight plastic, that come in a variety of graduated sizes. Using Dilators with CBD maximizes your pelvic floor physical therapy. To shop dilators click here.
You may find this article on CBD for pelvic pain useful if you would like more information on the topic. We hope that you will be able to reap the rewards of CBD for your vulvodynia… good luck, and don’t forget to check out our blog for plenty of other information on vulvodynia and similar conditions.
VuVa Helpful Links:
7 Reasons for a Tight Vagina and How to Loosen
How to Relax Vaginal Muscles, Vaginismus & Sex
Vaginal Stretching - Keeping in Shape with Dilators
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