  • Five VuVa Smooth Vaginal Dilators - Set of 5 with Instructions and Travel Pouch  Vuvatech
  • Five VuVa Smooth Vaginal Dilators - Set of 5 with Instructions and Travel Pouch  Vuvatech
  • Five VuVa Smooth Vaginal Dilators - Set of 5 with Instructions and Travel Pouch  Vuvatech
  • Five VuVa Smooth Vaginal Dilators - Set of 5 with Instructions and Travel Pouch  Vuvatech

Cinco dilatadores vaginales suaves VuVa: juego de 5 con instrucciones y bolsa de viaje

* Este juego de dilatadores no contiene imanes.

Nuestro Smooth Set incluye cinco (cinco) dilatadores vaginales fabricados con plástico de policarbonato de grado médico. Se incluyen instrucciones, bolsa de viaje y una muestra de lubricante Slippery Stuff. Nuestro lubricante es a base de agua y es muy seguro para clientes que tienen piel sensible y dolores pélvicos. Estos son dilatadores vaginales graduados sellados ultrasónicamente con fines de higiene. La parte superior graduada facilita la inserción.

N.º de artículo: #1001FV (NO magnético) Sin BPA

Tamaños incluidos: Tamaños 2 - 6

Marca: VuVatech

País de origen: Fabricado en Sarasota, Florida, EE. UU.

Sobre nosotros

Los dilatadores vaginales VuVa fueron inventados y patentados por una paciente con dolor pélvico que tuvo relaciones sexuales dolorosas y necesitaba una solución. VuVatech ha ayudado a más de 80.000 personas en todo el mundo que sufren dolores pélvicos. Todos los dilatadores VuVa se fabrican en los EE. UU.

Patente nº 9.687.274

Condiciones que tratan los dilatadores

Nuestros productos pueden ayudar con estas condiciones:

  • vaginismo
  • vulvodinia
  • Atrofia vaginal
  • Vestibulitis vulvar
  • Dispareunia (sexo doloroso)
  • Estenosis vaginal
  • Tratamientos posteriores a la radiación y el cáncer
  • Cirugía de reasignación de género
  • Cirugía MRKH/Agenesia vaginal


Instrucciones completas: cómo usar dilatadores vaginales

Las instrucciones incluidas recomiendan utilizar entrenadores o dilatadores vaginales de 5 a 20 minutos dos veces al día mientras se acuesta en un lugar cómodo. Si no puede usar los dilatadores por tanto tiempo, está bien. Utilice sus dilatadores todo el tiempo que pueda y trabaje según ese cronograma. Nunca debe superar un nivel de dolor de 3 a 4 al dilatar una puntuación de dolor de 10. El tiempo que le toma a un paciente aumentar de tamaño depende de la gravedad de su afección. Los dilatadores vaginales son un tratamiento relativamente seguro siempre que siga las instrucciones incluidas o dadas por su proveedor de atención médica.

Los fisioterapeutas del suelo pélvico pueden ayudarte con tu tratamiento con dilatador vaginal. Tenemos un localizador en la pestaña Recursos de nuestro sitio web.

Política de devoluciones

Por razones de salud, los dilatadores VuVatech no se pueden reabastecer si se ha abierto el sello térmico o la etiqueta de seguridad. Si el sello no está roto, puede regresar. Puede regresar dentro de los 30 días posteriores a la compra. Por favor lea nuestra política de devoluciones

Noticia importante

La información contenida en este sitio web no debe sustituir su atención médica programada de rutina y necesaria. Busque un especialista en dolor vulvar o un fisioterapeuta del suelo pélvico para supervisar su programa de terapia en el hogar.


  • Tamaño 2 Longitud 4,5 pulgadas Diámetro 0,5 pulgadas Circunferencia 1,57 pulgadas
  • Tamaño 3 Longitud 5 pulgadas Diámetro 0,75 pulgadas Circunferencia 2,35 pulgadas
  • Tamaño 4 Longitud 5,25 pulgadas Diámetro 1 pulgada Circunferencia 3,14 pulgadas
  • Tamaño 5 Longitud 5,75 pulgadas Diámetro 1,125 pulgadas Circunferencia 3,53 pulgadas
  • Tamaño 6 Longitud 6 pulgadas Diámetro 1.375 pulgadas Circunferencia 4.32 pulgadas

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Intimacy at it's Best

The product is amazing and every woman that has discomfort must try the new technology of giving back the wonderful feeling of intimacy without pain. It has been 12 years and my OBgyn female Dr. Stated that I was Courageous enough to explore my body with VuVa Dilators and good results that made me feel normal, and pain free.

These actually do work and I couldn’t be more grateful

I found these while googling something like “how to make penetration less painful.” I’m 27 and was still a virgin - endo, CSA trauma, low libido. Couple that with penetration being *extremely* painful (even tampons) and I’d accepted that it may never be possible and was fine with it, until I met my partner and wanted to be with him in this way. I knew I wanted to at least try when we went on our anniversary trip.

That led me here. I was only able to get to size 3 by our trip, but even that helped SO much and gave me the confidence to try. While it took time and there was still discomfort/pain at first, we were successful. Had it not been for these, there’s no chance it would have been possible. These gave me the ability to fully be with the person I love, something I feared I’d never be capable of. I feel hopeful. I feel excited to continue using these and working my way up to size 5 to make it even better and easier.

I wish *all* women knew that these existed, I can only imagine all the discomfort and pain that could be avoided. Which brings me to my main motivation for writing this review - after the success I’ve had with these I knew I needed to reassure anyone who may be where I was - looking at this product, questioning if it’s worth it, if it actually works - IT DOES. Give yourself time, give yourself grace, continue to work at it even if you can only handle the smallest dilator at first. I know it’s scary and it feels hopeless, but I promise it gets better.

I am so glad you found VuVa through your research. Thank you for the encouraging words for others, you said it well. - Tara

Most Helpful

Older post menopausal customer - Doctor recommended dilator to prepare for a procedure. It’s not easy to carve out privacy & time but dilator works over time.

Don’t Hesitate, Get These.

These were SO helpful. Such a small price to pay for a world of difference— after a couple of uses I was having no pain with sex. This was such a simple and effective tool for me. Don’t hesitate, try these!! You won’t regret it.

Thank you for this review. It really helps others who are in the same situation. Thank you.

It gets better, I promise.

This is the review I needed when I first found out I might have vaginismus (it took 3 books and 5 doctors/therapists to finally figure out what it was).

I found out I couldn't have penetrative sex due to extreme pain, tensing, and muscle spasming towards the end of 2019. I was only 21 years old. I started seeing a sex therapist in February of 2020 and transitioned to a physical therapist for pelvic floor therapy in January 2021. It has been over a year of pain, and fear, and setback after setback, but the end is finally in sight for me. I made very slow progress for about a year as I dealt with the underlying emotional trauma affecting my vaginal pain, but I began to make much quicker progress over the past three months after I ended my relationship and took most of the pressure off of myself to have sex at all. I went from only being able to use size 2 of this set without crying to using size 5 for the first time today with manageable pain. Soon I'll have no pain.

It doesn't matter what dilators you get. These ones worked for me, but use whichever you can. I just want to tell the young, scared woman that is reading this that things will get better for you, even if it takes a long time. Don't let doctors brush aside your pain, and don't let romantic partners pressure you to "get better" faster and push past the pain and fear to satisfy their orgasm.

It gets better. And it gets better on YOUR time, when YOU are ready. Don't let anyone pressure you. <3

Thank you for sharing your pelvic therapy story. It will help so many others. Hugs!